Saturday, August 20, 2011

No Shortcuts

I haven't posted an entry to this blog in over two years. For those of you who were following it, I apologize. I originally started this blog for my kids so that we could study and discuss the mark of the beast together, but something happened to me in the process of writing it. Have you ever watched a really great movie or read a really amazing book and then someone asks you, "How does it end?" You probably responded something like,"I don't want to tell you the end! You have to read it for yourself! Get to know the characters, the plot and experience it yourself! If I tell you the ending, it will ruin it for you, and it probably won't make sense anyway!" That's just how I feel about this blog.

Revelation is a complicated book with alot of imagery and symbolism. If you haven't read the books of Daniel and Ezekiel in the Old Testament or Tanakh, you're probably going to have a very difficult, if not impossible time understanding the symbolism of Revelation. And if you haven't read the books preceding Daniel and Ezekiel, you won't really understand the purpose of Revelation. And most important, as John states in the very first verse of Revelation: "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show HIS SERVANTS..." This book is not for the casual Bible reader or thrill seeker. It's for the SERVANTS of Jesus Christ. If you haven't made that commitment and don't consider yourself a servant of Jesus Christ, then you probably won't understand it or find much comfort in it. Reading it might even cause fear and confusion. If you believe you are a servant of Jesus Christ, then I think one of the manifestations of this servanthood/love/commitment relationship is an inner motivation to read the words written about Him!

Part of the beauty of the Bible is reading how this Divine Love Story unfolds and beginning to understand something of the mystery of our unfathomable God! Hopefully, at some point in your reading and seeking, you will decide to commit your life to Him. I don't want to short cut any one out of this experience! So I encourage you, please, if you want to understand the book of Revelation- read the Bible- starting at Genesis. As you're reading, if you come to questions, email me at and we can search for the answers together. God has promised if you search for Him with your whole heart, you will find Him. (Jeremiah 29:13) May God bless you as you read and search to know Him and His will for your life.

Rejoicing in the Divine Romance,


  1. Hello,
    do you think that these words in Isaiah ch. 4 'And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.'
    are speaking about the seven churches in Revelation (ie: the whole of christianity)?, because I see the word 'women' as standing for church in the Bible, and many christians in different denominations appear to want to eat their own bread (doctrine), wear their own clothes (as opposed to the robes of righteousness ) yet want to be called by the name of Jesus.

  2. Hi Brenda, I've heard Isaiah 4:1 interpreted this way and there could be some truth to this. For me personally, I really try to interpret Scripture as literally as possible. We read in Revelation that the church in Smyrna (Rev 2:8-11)is not condemned or the church in Philadelphia (Rev 3:7-13). So if Isaiah 4:1 is directed to the future churches of Revelation, this interpretation doesn't really work for me.
